Thursday, February 5, 2009

Ever Notice... great it feels if we do something nice for someone, completely selflessly, without even taking due credit for it? And yet, how selfish almost all of us have grown, that we no longer want to do anything for anyone without fulfilling our own interests in the process, or without the hope of having the favour repaid? Even if you do something nice for a friend, it comes with the realisation that the other person would do the same for you in a similar situation.


Prats said...

Well may be thats because we have stopped distinguishing between people we hang out with and people who really are our friends. The classification has to be accurate for thew feelings to be so genuine.... ain't it so?

Bhavya said...

Hmm... of late, I've developed a rather objective, accurate classification. Or so I think. But even so, sometimes the feelings are not all that genuine...