Friday, May 8, 2009

Growing Up

Ever notice how we're in a tearing hurry to grow up when we're little kids, and, once we're all grown up, we wish we could rewind life a few years? A kid who's seven and about to turn eight will insist that she's almost eight, a teenager who's about to be sixteen will eagerly look forward to her sixteenth birthday. But once you're approaching thirty, you suddenly start wishing you could go back to your school or college years. You wish you could be that young, carefree person who didn't have to worry about groceries and pay cheques and utility bills.

There's really nothing you can do here, you can't stop time. But you know what you can do? You can wake up and realize that this, here, right now, is the best time of your life and that it will never come back, so you should enjoy it the best you can and live life to the fullest. Live with no regrets.


Prats said...

I so much agree with this. Absolutely Correct!!

Anonymous said...

"we wish we could rewind life a few years"
Exactly what I am feeling these days!!

"so you should enjoy it the best you can and live life to the fullest"
Exactly what I am trying to do these days!!

Akash said...

very true, even I feel that we should never grow up...

Akash said...

Innocence personified- Every man's dream- to be a child. And every child's dream- to be a man.
Is there a chord in between, I very much doubt it!

(From Bala's status on facebook)